Add Your New Domain to DirectAdmin Control Panel

You can add any domains you own to your server through the DirectAdmin control panel. In this guide, we’ll explain how to set up a new domain with our recommended settings.

Creating a New User and Domain

We generally recommend that you create a separate user account for each new domain. Otherwise, having multiple domains under a single user account may make them more vulnerable to security exploits.

  1. In DirectAdmin, log in to your main reseller account.
  2. Under the Account Management menu select Add New User.
  3. Enter the username, an existing email address, a password, and the domain you wish to add.
  4. Next, select the user package. User packages define server resource limits for the user and its domains.
  5. Select the IP address you wish to use.
  6. Finally, click “Submit”.

Note: If you only see a message that there are no user packages created yet, click “Create User Package” to create one.

Switching Nameservers

Next, if you haven’t done so already, you will need to be point your domain to our nameservers:


This can be done through your domain registrar where you purchased the domain.

Note: It may take anywhere from 15 minutes to 72 hours for DNS to update, depending on your ISP.

SSL Certificate Setup

SSL is a security protocol for websites. Sites using SSL appear with an “https://”” address and the “Secure” symbol in the URL bar. Most online services, including Google, are now requiring that sites use SSL, so we recommend that you set up every new domain with its own certificate.

See our support guide on how to set up a free SSL certificate for your domain.

WordPress Setup

If you will be using WordPress on your site, we recommend using Softaculous to install and manage it. Softaculous makes installations and future upgrades almost effortless and comes free with every Vacares Hosting package.