Help, My Site is Down!

If your site appears to be down, please follow these steps to help us diagnose the problem and gather information so that we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Is it just me?

Check if the site is down for everyone or only on your end by visiting:

Enter your site address and hit enter. Then the tool will tell you if the issue is occurring everywhere or just for you.

If you are seeing the issue from a mobile device, you should also check from a desktop to see if the issue is mobile-specific.

Check your other sites

If you have other sites on the same server, check them as well to see if the issue is affecting just one website or the whole server

Do a traceroute

If your website up elsewhere, there may be a networking issue. Please perform a traceroute to your domain and send us the results.

Contact Emergency Support

You can contact our 24/7 emergency support by emailing Please be sure to provide as many details as you can about the issue, including what you found from the above steps, to help us provide a swift resolution.